

Necro Sapiens 2021 came about when everyone was in lockdown in Denmark. We decided to bury ourselves in the rehearsal space, playing as much as possible. After almost six months of this, we decided that we would try to record the songs live, so we would get the groove and sound we achieved in our den of death! It worked out, and we are never going back to the more regular recording method, with clicks and layering. Everyone contributed to riffs and lyrics, and we feel that rehearsing and hanging out more is the way to go.

Usually, we decide on a release date, and then we kind of hurry the fuck up to make enough material for the record. We feel that a bit of pressure makes us write better songs. We just try to write lyrics that will fit the music, so generally, we try to fit some gore and extreme imagery into themes we find interesting. We want to have fun with lyrics and try not to make them too serious and demanding. That’s, at least for us, not fun.

But a life-changing event for Baest was when we supported Illdisposed in our hometown Aarhus, for a crowd of 700. We gave our all and ripped the place apart. That’s when we knew we had to pursue this for real. And since then, we have devoted all our time and efforts to creating the Baest sound.

For us metal, it’s a major spiritual experience. We are united in our music, and we have a common goal in doing this full time. Music is everywhere all the time, and we can’t stop creating more of it. And we are lucky to be blessed with the greatest crowd in the world – so we will never stop.
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