Cursed Earth

Cursed Earth

Before Cursed Earth I played the guitar for a bunch of Perth bands that never really went anywhere called Mindless, Protest and Iconoclast. Our new record ‘Cycles of Grief’ came together slowly, early last year when we were most of the way through putting together the demos for the cycles of grief we lost our drummer. We come from a small town and finding a drummer who shreds and is ready to record and tour can be very hard. We ended up flying back and forth to the east coast to finish the record with our friends Chas Levi from Justice for the Damned on drums and Elliott Gallart of Chameleon Sound on Production. With Mixing, Mastering and settling on a new record label after that, the process took just over a year.

We play our own style of chaotic hardcore that takes influence from PV, hardcore and death metal. Our songs are for people with short attention spans. You can boil down any grand and elaborate story down into specific and pointed statements. Sometimes exaggerating or inflating things to explore the themes is the best way to make a very simple point.
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