We’d describe our music as a healthy dose of melodic death metal mixed with different influences, ranging from bands like Epica, Ensiferum, Dornenreich, and many more. In the end, we listen to the songs and decide if it works for us or not. We generally have one or two persons come up with the base structure of a song, which serves as a foundation to build upon. Every band member then adds or reworks their specific instrument to the best of their abilities and sometimes you might need to back to basics and change things around again until you find the right balance.
For the current album, I’ve been looking into old books that I purchased at flea markets. Many of them are filled with great illustrations that I then scan and try to rework in our album design. It’s not always easy to find the perfect match, but it is well worth the time to look for it.
Top 10 Bands that inspired my music.
This will be super different depending on which band member you ask, so I’ll try to mix it all together (in no particular order): Metallica, Ensiferum, Eluveitie, Epica, Dornenreich, Lawrence Arms, Dream Theater, Werkraum, Aborted, In Extremo
I believe that music helps you focus on and express your emotions. This is true for the musician, as well as for the listener, but it is up to the individual to know what they can get out of a specific type of music. Intending to create music that reaches a certain spiritual level is pointless since everyone will choose their perfect music through a mixture of cultural influence, peer pressure, and other stimuli.