Posthuman Abomination

Posthuman Abomination

Art: Gaung Yang

Inspiration comes from watching movies and animes and reading and searching for inspiration. My experience as a vocalist started back in the nineties; I started playing with friends, imitating Max Cavalera and then Mick Montaguti of Electrocution. One day our drummer came in with a CD which had just been released. It was Pierced from Within, and it changed my life. I write all the ideas in a notebook or record notes on the phone to avoid forgetting them. In the beginning, I sing over the song without lyrics, just fake English, trying to make a structure, and then I rewrite the lyrics. I listen to a lot of non-metal music. Les Claypool, Allan Holdsworth, Steve Vai, Tosin Abasi, John De Leo, Lisa Gerrard, and Brendan Perry. I can’t even imagine a world without music. I don’t want to make a list, just one band: Zu and their album Carboniferous.
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