

Psy:Code, a 5 member band from Copenhagen, Denmark. Been together as a band for over a decade and friends even longer. Psy: code is driven by unity and constantly seeking to expand their own limits of how they think music should sound like. With high ambitions, they are pushing through and searching for new experiences. The first two albums ‘Delusion’ and ‘Cause and Neglect’ received lots of praising reviews all over the world. Their 3rd album MØRKE is a natural progression grounded in both of their previous albums.

Gøtsche: The musical approach in the pre-life of Psy:Code, is luckily a five-piece differential journey through sound and genres, but most originated in rock and metal of course. Although Dag our bassist, once played in a classical-electric “big band” outfit, touring Russia and other exotic destinations, and me doing some soft drumming, in a piano porn pop project, playing rhythm eggs and darbuka, while the other guys grew up playing dragon-like heavy and extreme death. The outcome of this record and the defining of our genre is quite a pain in the A-Z, to explain. But I think we landed a more dreamy melancholic metal-scape, with a twist of core and small bits of tech… A fine place to be, due to our background.

Everything runs very smoothly when making our albums. We are quite aligned when it comes to creating music, and we have our own so called the studio, (a practice roomie with benefits). So the process of writing and recording is easily accessed, but sometimes and unfortunately a bit too slow in the making because it’s in our headquarters and there´s no financial clock ticking in front of us.

Everything that happens in our lives, can be transposed into making music. Friends, work, girls, defeat, etc. But I think it’s the desire of making this shit together, more than a master- plan or a calling from above. And the writing is only brought to life when we know it´s time to make an album. It’s a fresh start every time, and no old songs, riffs or melodies are being used in the process. All material is new and in favour of the specific album, we’re working on.

In spite of the fact that we’ve been around for over 10 years and released three albums, which are distributed worldwide, not many people know about Psy:Code. We hope this fact will change now that we’re on Pavement and finally found the sound and feel we really like. We’ve supported many big acts here in Denmark, the biggest was Slayer. What an experience we had sharing stage with them.
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