‘High!’ our self-titled debut will be released on Ritual Productions this June Solstice, a heavy celestial journey cultivated during jam sessions of 2016 in the mountains of Mullumbimby. The writing process was a natural connection for us, starting with a riff, pulsing and drifting in and out of time, all our ingredients found their way together. The live album was recorded over three days at Rocking Horse Studios in the Byron Hinterland. During our recording the studio was mid ownership takeover & overhaul, desks and equipment pulled apart, nature had gone wild, bacteria growth throughout the walls. The images of mould in our artworks were taken through the glass of the control room looking into the live room during tracking. A grimy obstacle that turned into art and felt reflective of our sound.
The artwork has an organic feel. Dark and heavy, layered, beautiful, imperfect, leaving a Drug Cult fingerprint. The cover art was collectively produced by us and the chosen fungi. We handpicked and collated spore prints of psychedelic mushrooms and then collaborated with friends on design, type and photography.
Our environment and nature inspire all of us strongly, music that explores the inner and outer realms, lots of books, street and graphic art, Krsna deities. Be Here Now by Ram Dass and the Hindu goddess Kali influenced lyrics on the track Slaylude, “You must die… to get to the next destination”.